
Sweet Pea Baby Blog.... For Mommies with style and Parents who would like to stay in style. Everything to help you look good while taking care of your children and baby!


Really Late peek at our Halloween Fun!!!

I am not quite used to a "plan ahead" type of blogging.  And lets face it Life can be so crazy especially with taking care of a family of 6 and running a growing business.  I figured it was still OK to share our Halloween fun!   The older my kids get the more picky they become in the choice of their costumes!  The only problem I did not start preparing early enough  {like maybe 3 days before Halloween}.  

  Lindsay chose to be the MAD HATTER {this required the most creativity as we made it all from scratch UUGGH!}, 

  Kaitlyn wanted to be a HIPPIE {but then when it came right down to it she did not like how her costume came together but by then it was too late, we simply ran out of time!} She forgot to put on the big peace sign necklace we found for her.

and then  AUSTIN wanted to be a NINJA 

and JACKSON wanted to be ZORRO {Jackson had become fixated on watching the Zorro Movies, but most of his little friends did not even know who Zorro was!}

So 3 days before Halloween there was no NINJA OR ZORRO costumes to be found!

 Luckily Dad was on a trip that week to Arkansas and near the headquarters of and he was able to walk right in the store and pick up a ninja, a zorro, and some funky tights and make-up for the girls then bring them home just in time for the BIG DAY!   All in all it turned out but not without a lot of grumbling and complaining  :( next year I said, "we will start in September creating our costumes so that if we decide to make something from Scratch then it won't be last minute and take ALL DAY LONG to finish! Too much Stress!  But I have to remind  myself they are only young once! right?!

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